Interesting just when I'm at my busiest moment, God sends a deer to eat my dandelions. I am so grateful for divine provisions. Ok, so I'm counting my blessings....oops the telephone!
It's been a long week. Wedding show, interviewing perspective clients, chamber of commerce work, session after session,completed and uploaded 3 albums and placed a bunch of orders, camera club meeting, ribbon cutting ceremony. People think photography is fun! Well, why ain't I having FUN yet? oops, there goes the phone...
"WEDDINGS ON WHIDBEY" BIZ FAIRE was a smash! The attendance, vendor support and food samples exceeded expectations. Many said that they would do it again...and again.
Thank you Hummingbird Farm for the opportuinty to better serve our Whidbey Community.
Busy day today. Mostly shooting portrait type work on-the-fly. I was asked by a client to snap a portrait of her art teacher in her study. I quickly assembled what I needed: a reflector that had been in the van for a couple years, a chair for the subject, one of his 30x40 paintings and of course my camera. The window light was my main light and I used the reflector to bounce light back into his shadow side. I sat him down did a few rotations of the head, worked his expression and ten minutes later we had a broad selection of images. It was that easy. Of course, it was that easy because I have over 25 years of experience and I practice my craft daily.
During a postproduction edit, I almost deleted this image but a inspired thought jarred my sleepy 2 a.m. mind. Free falling! To be free falling…even young again, unafraid to enjoy even the smallest moment of life. This subtle burst of inspiration woke my drugged thinking. I was able to stay awake for another hour thus completing the task at hand. I am so grateful for these burst of inspiration, they fill me with much needed inspiration. The body cannot be made young again but fresh thought will renew the mind daily.
Life doesn’t get any better than this. Had an opportunity to photograph a beautiful wedding couple in my dream Chevy at my favorite pier.
Amber and Dave of Bible Baptist Church, Oak Harbor, were united in Holy Matrimony on June 20th. Family and friends from all around gathered for support and celebration. Thank you for allowing Pendleton Imaging & Photography to cover your wedding. Indeed, life is good!