Sunday afternoon was interesting. Sunday was also my first outdoor session for 2010. Despite a blustery rainy wintry shivery windy Whidbey type day, as Pooh Bear would say, your favorite photographer treaded forth.
Have you ever been impressed by what another person wears? Well I have. There was a six year boy in my son’s school who always wore penny loafers. Come rain or shine he sported penny loafers. My son and I secretly nicknamed him Penny Loafer Reilly.
Well today, despite rain or shine, I had an opportunity to photograph Penny Loafer Reilly and his beautiful family in the wind and rain. So there we stood on the West Beach side of Joseph Whidbey Sate Park with umbrellas in-hand, being tossed gently by the elements, with Reilly’s loafers being polka dotted with rain drops.
I think I might start doing more brave and adventurous things…perhaps even sport a pair of Penny Loafers. After all my wardrobe could use a bit of spice!