Friday, October 30, 2009

HAPPY 75th Brice!

Tonight at the Pizza Factory, the Whidbey Cruzers joined Brice in celebrating his 7th birthday. HAPPY 75th Brice!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bon Voyage Whidbey

Had an interesting despite the weather type day. Yes, despite a chilly gray rainy sunless day, I managed to capture an engaging session…despite all. I’ m especially grateful for Bill & Linda’s enduring patients.

Before moving to Whidbey Island I thought gray days were the standard. After a few years I discovered they can be an exception especially during the summer.

The lovely couple is moving to the southwest where there’s almost a guarantee of hot but predictable weather patterns. Bon Voyage lovebirds! Best wishes casting thou nest ayont.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

In Celebration of Chong McCarthy

The early afternoon was spent celebrating Chong McCarthy’s art showing at Deception Pass Visitor Center. Chong’s community of friends and family are extremely supportive of her and her work. Even though I wanted to stay for internationally famous Kimchee and Bulgogi at Deception Pass Park, I had to press on to another engagement. An unfortunate loss for me. My dear mother would pinch me for a sanity check. I read on Chong’s Facebook account that this was also a birthday celebration. Happy 29th birthday 2 U!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Kayla's Senior Moment

Kayla expereinced the benfits of completing her Senior Portrait session early. Check her out. You last minute scheculers...I have to work you in!

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Whidbey Island Farm Tour

No doubt the chill of Fall is upon us but fortunately the sun was shinny and winds minimal both Saturday and Sunday. In support of Whidbey Island Farm Tour, four members of the Whidbey Island Camera Club setup a display canopy at Horses Tales Nursery in Oak Harbor.

Sales were sleepy creepy slow but we had an opportunity to small talk about the latest electronic gadgetry, family and to connect with other vendors. Seeing many visitors with the new Nikon D5000 and D40 aroused our teacher instincts. We had an in service on fill flash and micro-photography.

Two members, including me, received a lesson on oriental artichokes. I know it’s not a big deal but I always thought artichokes grew in Safeway.

Happy Whidbey Island Farm Tour Day! Oh yeah, careful of ducks crossing.